What are the safety protocols at Nimea Kaya?
- First Aid Kit On-Site
- Trained Nurse on Staff present most of the year.
- Quality Medical Facility in Pucallpa – Open 24 Hours – 30 minute drive from our Center
- High ratio of western facilitators and staff members to participants
- 5-6 Trained Facilitators assisting in each ceremony (in addition to the Shipibo Healers)
- 2 Facilitators stay all night in the ceremonial maloca to provide continued care and support to the participants
- Security guard on site every night
- Safes available to store valuables
Malaria: Malaria and Yellow Fever are not prevalent in the surrounding area of Nimea Kaya. We recommend against taking anti-malaria medications as they often have ill side effects on the body and can conflict strongly with the Ayahausca.
Medication Contraindications: There are several types of medications that conflict with Ayahuasca. Please directly inquire with us regarding any medications you are taking so we can let you know if they will need to be eliminated before the retreat and we will give you an appropriate protocol to come off safely.
All anti-depressant medications must be eliminated at least 3-6 weeks before the retreat begins. Anti-depressants conflict with the Ayahuasca medicine and mixing the two can cause serious ill side effects.
Please be sure to notify us of any changes of medication use that may be different that was is stated in your application.
Internet & Wifi
We do not have wifi freely available at the retreat as we encourage a “technology-free dieta” while working with Ayahuasca. You may connect your smart phone to the Movie Star or Claro cellular service that we receive in the area to make calls/texts. Phones are fine for taking photos.
If you need to send a quick message to let loved ones know you have arrived safely or for any emergency at anytime, one of our staff members can connect you on their computer so you may send your message. We can give out the wifi password on the final day for guests to check into flights online.
What ingredients are in the brew? Who harvests and prepares it?
We only use the Ayahuasca vine and the chacruna leaves. No other admixtures are used. We source our vine and leaves from a Shipibo community upriver where they are working towards sustainable approaches by replanting the vine and making sure to not harvest before proper maturity. Our medicine is brewed by Shipibo Ayahausqueros on site at our Center. Our groups may have the opportunity to participate with the brewing under the guidance of trained and experience Ayahuasqueros. This experience is only available in some retreats.
What is the Shaman’s experience? What lineage do they follow?
We work with Curanderos/Healers from the Shipibo lineage. Each ceremony is led by both a female and male healer that have been working within the Ayahausca healing tradition for the past several decades. After they completed numerous plant dietas, they began healing people in their villages from various ailments. Our curanderos sing icaros, songs of healing, that were taught to them directly from the plant spirits or specifically by their maestros/teachers. In addition they utilize mapacho – sacred tabacco, as well as agua florida – flower water, in the ceremonies to bring cleansing and healing to the participants.
Do the Shamans undertake hands-on or other healing work during the ceremony or retreat?
The shamans (always a female and male in each ceremony) will come around to each participant to offer a healing for them. Often participants will go deeper into their journey with Ayahausca at this time. They will sing a personal icaro (healing song) to each guest and finish it with a soplado (blowing of the flower water) on the crown of the head and into the hands. The soplado serves the purpose of cleansing stagnant energies away and bring protection & blessings to that person. The following morning, flower baths are provided by the female shaman for additional cleansing of one’s energy. Additional healing work or plants medicines may be offered on a case by case basis.
Does the retreat include one-on-one consultations with the Shamans?
Yes, one on one consultations with the shamans are available with an interpreter. Consultations are preferable for when there is a physical ailment that needs to be addressed in the ceremonies. A Curandero/Shaman serves more as an energy doctor. They may locate where there is blocked energy in the physical, emotional and spiritual bodies and can help to release these dense energies. The shamans are not here to serve as psychologists. For these nature of questions it is best to set up a private consultation with one of our lead facilitators.
How are the dosages approximated for each guest? Are additional doses available if I don’t feel an effect from the medicine?
The medicine works differently with each person depending on a variety of factors. For example, sometimes body weight will have little to do with the dosage amount. We start everyone off in ceremony with a standard dose to gauge their sensitivity to the medicine. A second dose is offered one and a half hours after if they are not feeling the medicine yet. Depending on how strong of an experience they have the first night, the dose for the following night will be based on the sensitivity to the first nights intake. We always gauge each person’s experience throughout the ceremony and aim to give the best dosage possible for the following ceremony so that they will hopefully not need to take a second dose. Yet if they need a second or third dose, that is not restricted. We aim to support the most beneficial experience for each guest.
What support is given to participants during and straight after each ceremony?
We have approximately 5 to 6 facilitators in each ceremony in addition to the Shipibo Curanderos to assist all the participants on their journey’s with Ayahuasca. These facilitators do not drink the medicine in the ceremonies. They are fully present to be there to support the guests during their process. Support is available in a variety of ways, from assistance to the restroom, changing out a purge bucket, assisting someone to step outside to be in nature, or to just sit with to help support through a challenging wave of the medicine. There are two facilitators that stay all night in the ceremonial maloca to provide any additional support one may need as occasionally the experience may last late into the night. Integration circles are held the morning after each ceremony to allow each participant to share about their experience and also to gain more understanding about their experience. Our retreat facilitators are available any time for to give support, set up a private consultation or to just hang out and have fun!
If a woman has her menstruation during the retreat, is she still allowed to participate?
Yes, it is ok for the participant to join ceremony if she is menstruating. If it is the first day of heavy flow, the dose may be adjusted to account for this. We have seen that occasionally the medicine will bring on a woman’s flow when she may not be due for it at that time. This can be part of the cleansing process.
What is the maximum number of participants for each retreat? How many facilitators/staff are present?
We take up to 14 guests per retreat. We have on average 5-6 western facilitators and staff members present in addition to the shamans and Peruvian staff.
Is it important to have an Intention for working with Ayahuasca?
Often people may have an intention or several to work with the medicine with. Yet it is not completely necessary as you may certainly leave it broad. For example, your intention could simply be to have the medicine show you what you need to see/experience in order to expand, grow and heal. Intention setting can be a beneficial practice for preparing for the medicine journey as it will guide you into contemplative self reflection on how your life can transform more positively. Although it can be beneficial to have intentions, it is important to try not to bring any expectations. The medicine will always give you what you need, and it will never come in a way that you may think it will. She works in a variety of ways and knows exactly what you need on your path of expansion and healing. With that, you may take comfort knowing that your experience, as unique as it will be, will be perfect for you. See more about ceremony intention in our blog article here.
What measures are in place to assist participants to integrate the learning and experiences from each ceremony so that true physical, mental, emotional & spiritual transformation occurs?
One on one Skype or Zoom chats are available with our facilitators anytime after the retreat is over to ensure the integration experience is going smoothly as possible. An ‘After Care Packet” will be sent to each participant immediately after the retreat that includes info on how to integrate this healing experience with Ayahuasca. Our facilitators are always available post the retreat via email and online consultations to give advice or answer any questions participants may have.
Drinking Water at the Retreat
The drinking water provided comes from a deep well on our land, is filtered through a five stage reverse osmosis system and also further purified with Miracle Mineral Solution drops. A five gallon container of water is provided in each room, in the kitchen and as well in the shower houses for brushing your teeth.
Yearly Weather Averages in Pucallpa, Peru

Weather is becoming less predictable, yet on average the weather will be as follows:
January – April: “Rainy Season” – More rain but is not constant. Temperatures are more comfortable. Mosquitoes are more present.
May – July: “Mix of Dry & Rainy Days” – Moderate and warm temperatures. A ‘Cold Snap” lasting a few days can happen in June and/or July where temperature can drop an extra 10 Degrees Fahrenheit. Bringing an extra pair of warm clothes in June & July is recommended.
August – October: “Dry Season” – Very little to no rain. Weather is hotter. Mosquitoes are less present to hardly present at all.
November – December: “Mix of Dry & Rainy Days” – Moderate & warmer temperatures.