At Nimea Kaya, we offer Traditional Ayahuasca Retreats guided by Shipibo Healers, also known as Curanderos. We offer 9 Day Retreats with 4 Ayahuasca ceremonies and 7 Day Retreats with 3 Ayahuasca ceremonies. Our shamanic retreats are designed to accommodate each individual on their path of awakening and healing. Our healers have been well established in the shamanic ayahuasca practice for several decades. Our medicine is made on site during each retreat where the guests may assist in the sacred brewing process. We only use the ayahuasca vine and chacruna leaves. No other admixtures are used.
During the course of our ayahuasca retreats, we offer facilitated group sharing and one on one counseling. We host up to 14 guests per group to accommodate an intimate and personal setting during ceremony. Our ceremonial Maloca is very spacious, providing a comfortable environment for the profound experience. It is situated in the midst of beautiful native plants and trees where the orchestra of nature graciously joins us in our sacred ceremonies.
Our ceremonies are facilitated with the utmost integrity, safety and responsibility. In addition to the two Shipibo healers, there is always a minimum of five of our staff members in every ceremony assisting our guests through their healing journeys with the sacred medicine. These staff members do not drink the ayahuasca medicine during these ceremonies.
Drinking the ayahuasca medicine during ceremonies allows the participants to expand their consciousness to a multi-faceted universe. Ayahuasca takes the individual through a process of cleansing the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual bodies. The individual journeys through a series of visions often receiving profound realizations that lead them to a place of healing, understanding and balance within themselves.
We recommend reading our Ayahuasca Ceremony Overview page for further information on how we facilitate our ceremonies at Nimea Kaya.

Our medicine is brewed by our Maestro, Cecilio Cauper. The care and attention taken during the brewing process of Ayahausca is of utmost importance in order to produce quality medicine. The Ayahuasca vine and the chacruna leaves are the only plants used, no other admixtures are added. Our guests may have the opportunity to assist in the preparation brewing process and may drink the medicine they have helped brew at the end of their retreat.
We begin by scraping off the bark which is then discarded. This will allow for a less bitter flavor and is more palatable to the tongue. The vine is pounded until fibrous with wooden mallets and the chacruna leaves are cleaned with fresh water. The two plants are layered in the pots and are boiled for several hours and then reduced until the final consistency is reached. The intentions, prayers, loving energy and attention that is given during the cooking process is essential for a powerful brew and we encourage our guests to participate in this process as it will help open them to the deeper healing Ayahuasca can provide.
See more on our brewing process HERE


Ayahuasca Integration Circles are held the day after each ceremony. This is a beautiful opportunity for our guests to share their experience with the Medicine in order to deepen their process of healing and growth. Our guests find profound value in these integration circles as they are a continuation of the ceremonies themselves where meaningful realizations and insights are often gained. In addition to the ayahuasca integration circles, each guest may receive one on one support from any of our staff members at anytime during the retreat.
For successful integration of the Ayahuasca experience after the retreat, a multifaceted approach will be necessary. The integration process is where one will be able to put into practice the teachings and tools they were given during their ceremonies and retreat. The healing and expansion process that has been initiated through the ceremonial work can take months or years to fully integrate.
See more Here about the Ayahuasca Integration Process

Nimea Kaya’s Ayahuasca Retreats offers a variety of yoga class styles including Hatha, Vinyasa and Yin. Our classes are tailored to accommodate all levels of experience from beginners to more advanced. Practicing yoga throughout the Ayahuasca retreat will assist in deeper healing through the process of releasing any stagnant or deep seated undesirable energies rooted in the body.
Meditation, Pranayama and Heart Expansion classes are offered before each ceremony. These allow our guests to connect more deeply to their spirit and bring them into a calm and relaxed state of energy as they enter into ceremony. The guided meditations are very useful in teaching one how to connect further to their intentions and how to use the breath as a helpful tool during ceremony.
- Pre-Retreat Preparation Consultation Call
- Digital Ayahuasca Dieta Recipe Book
- Ayahuasca Preparation Guide
- Pick up and drop off from and to Pucallpa Airport
- Transportation to and from the Nimea Kaya Center
- Three or Four Ayahuasca Ceremonies with Shipibo Healers
- Q&A with Shamans before Ceremony
- Participate in Brewing Ayahuasca (Only Available in Some Retreats)
- Guided Medicinal Plant Walk
- Four Ceremony Integration Circles
- Continual Counseling with Facilitators
- Consultations with Shamans
- Medicinal Floral Plant Baths
- Breathwork & Meditation Classes
- Hatha/Vinyasa Yoga Classes
- Sound Bath Meditation
- Nutritious Plant Based Meals
- Boat Trip Excursion
- Shipibo Art Exhibition & Market
- High Vibe Living Class
- Farewell Celebration
- Laundry Service
- Post Retreat Integration Guide
- Post Retreat Integration Call
- Complimentary 1 on 1 Integration Sessions
Massage & Energy Work Sessions Extra